Friday, 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our customers, suppliers and friends from us all at JNDC

We are closed till January 2nd 2013

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Southern Manufacturing Exhibition Special Offer: Free Engineering Design Review

JNDC, an engineering design consultancy based in Kingston-Upon-Thames is expanding rapidly as customers snap up the design support services for manufacture. Due to this area of expertise JNDC are offering a free engineering design review for the first 20 applicants that apply at the Southern Manufacturing exhibition in Farnborough, where they will be show casing their services.

The design review, held at JNDC in Kingston, will provide ideas and ways forward for any new concept, process or enhancements to existing products. The review will uncover detailed specifications, ideas and thoughts and result in a short report outlining the findings.

The wealth of engineering experience and services offered at JNDC provide the ideal partner to develop an idea into a practical working solution. JNDC have worked with aerospace primes through to small manufacturers helping to develop and expand new products and processes providing a professional, cost effective and efficient service that ultimately is able to generate extra business or save the client money.

Dean Carran the Operations Director at JNDC said, 'we are seeing a large drive from manufacturing companies wishing to diversify and manufacture new product for themselves. Potential resources are already available within the companies production lines and such moves allows for further sales opportunities in markets that they are already niche and knowledgeable in.'